26 January 2009

Sunday Training

Last nights training was taken by Ross from Serious Cricket. Ross carried out varying excercises to improve the boy's attitude towards the importance of fielding and running between the weeks.

Once again Ross emphasised that no matter how talented a player is, he is hopeless to the team if he is not fielding properly. Some of the boys have taken this on board better than others, and those who lack interest in this department can expect to be on a losing side each week rather than a winning one, it's as simple as that.

This quote from the Boys Own Book Of Outdoor Sports sums it up

"I am strongly inclined to the opinion that Fielding, neglected as it sometimes has been, is the very foundation and backbone of cricket. Where is the use of fine batting if you have not the skill to prevent your adversaries doing as well or better than yourself, where the use of good bowling, if the batsman can afford to disregard the field? "

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